Sunday, January 23, 2011

Impact Communications

So far, I really haven't talked too much about my new endeavor on Blogger, but here goes. In college, I took an introductory course on layout and design. The course focused on Adobe InDesign. It was very practical, and I was able to use many of the skills I gained there in college internships. After I began teaching, I decided I was ready to tackle a new challenge: web design. Thus became my quest at self-taught Dreamweaver. Fast forward two years, and I think I'm making progress. I've started doing websites on the side for a variety of small businesses, mostly farms, but I've thrown in some others for good measures.

Here's a link to my website: Impact Communications. You'll notice the name comes from a popular Dr. Gratz saying: "Don't just make an impression. Make an impact." You can see under the Clients tab that my list is growing. I hope to continue to expand. So, selfish request for the day: if you know someone looking for a website, newsletter, or any other graphic design piece, will you send them my way? Please and thanks. Look for more updates from this part of my life in the future.

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