Monday, January 2, 2012

A New Year... Time to Reflect

The family gatherings have come and gone. The Christmas tree has been taken down. I'm mentally preparing myself to return to school tomorrow. Yes, the holidays have passed. Now, it's time to look ahead. 

I love the start of a new year. There's so much potential. Anything can happen. We're all granted a fresh start. 

I usually make resolutions, only to forget about them. I remembered earlier today that I blogged about my New Year's resolutions in 2011. I looked back at them and was pleasantly surprised to see that I'd kept most of them. Nonetheless, I decided this year to keep it simple.

Our message at church yesterday was based around three simple principles: forgive, forget, and forge ahead. (You can watch the message at If I am to live a better life, I must remember this concept. 

Forgive others, forget about the past, and forge ahead.

It's going to be a great year.

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