Monday, December 2, 2013

A Time to Be Thankful

November has come and gone. It flew by before I knew it. Now it's on to December and time to start thinking about Christmas. Before Thanksgiving is just a memory, I want to share a list of things I am thankful for. I have so many blessings in my life. In no particular order, here's a list:

  • My husband Greg. He works so hard and gives 110% to everything he does. He is a wonderful husband and father. 
  • Dwight and Jordan. I had no idea that two little guys could change my life so much. They are such happy babies, and they make me smile 81 times a day. (I don't really count how many times they make me smile; that's just an approximation.)
  • The rest of my family. Even when they frustrate the heck out me, I'm thankful for the family I was born into and the family I married into. I am glad that my children will have the opportunity to be a part of these groups.
  • Being able to use my talents. I was afraid that if I wasn't teaching, then I wouldn't be able to use things like program planning, problem solving, and facilitating. I am thankful that I've found ways to use those gifts. 
  • Opportunities. The opportunity I've had this year to build our seed business has been a blessing. I am thankful that I've been able to connect with farmers and help to make their farms more profitable by sharing solutions. 
  • Church. Crossroads is a church unlike any other. I am glad Greg and I can benefit from the teaching and give back to the congregation through volunteering. This weekend, we met another family in the church nursery with twins two months older than ours. I am glad Dwight and Jordan will grow up in a church with kids their age. It is a wonderful place to grow our faith. 
  • Friends. They make life fun. End of story. 
This list could continue on and on. This holiday season, take time to remember what is important to you. 

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