Saturday, January 26, 2013

Back to the blog

So it's been a while since I've updated the ol'e blog, but here I am again. Since I posted last, Greg and I made it Facebook official, with this photo:

Yep, after some ups and downs in the baby-making world, we're expecting... TWINS! We are very excited to meet our little ones. They're anticipated arrival is May 1, though they could make their appearance sooner. Most common question I receive: how are you feeling? Answer: pretty good. I had some severe vomiting for about the first three months, but it's down to about once a week now. I'm getting some energy back, and as long as I can work around my growing belly, I seem to be pretty productive. Second most common question I receive: are you finding out what you're having? Answer: NOPE!

Anywho, I've been working on some craft projects to get the nursery ready. The first one is not one I would replicate, but thanks to the help of my handy crafting partner, Toni, it's finished!

We're not really decorating with a theme, but the people that lived in the house before us left literally hundreds of glow-in-the-dark stars on the ceiling, so we're working in some star and moon accessories with the colors navy, brown, cream, gold, and sage green.

To complete this project (which in case you can't tell, is a yarn-ball mobile), these are the steps you need to follow:

  1. Blow up balloons. We used 7 inch round balloons and 5 inch "super soaker" balloons. We started with 8 big balloons and 8 small balloons.
  2. Create a mixture of Elmer's glue and water. We couldn't find any good web tutorials, so we had to guess here. We used a big, plastic bowl, poured in Elmer's, and watered it down so it was the consistency of a melted milkshake. This stuff gets really messy! We regrettably didn't cover the counters, but we should have.
  3. Next, cut off a large section of yarn in the color of your choice. We used pieces that were 7 arms-lengths long. The large balloons would have been better with more yarn. Go with what you think will work. 
  4. Dip the yarn in the glue mixture and wrap it around the balloon, alternating directions. We found the best system was to have one of us dip it in the glue, wipe off the extra glue, and hand it the other person, who wrapped the balloon.
  5. After the balloons are completely covered, sit them on wax paper to dry over night.
  6. Once they feel sufficiently dry, pop the balloon and pull out the pieces from the middle. (We experimented with spraying them with starch, thinking that the starch would help add stiffness to the yarn, but it really just made the glue wet again, and we ruined a couple of balloons. Without the starch, the yarn balls are strong enough.)
  7. Cover an embroidery hoop with yarn or ribbon and attach a hanging system to the top. We used yarn in a cross pattern for that role as well.
  8. Tie yarn to each yarn ball and hang it from the embroidery hoop in a pattern you like.
Voila! A complex project, but one I'm glad to see finished! Thanks Toni for your awesome help! Total cost break-down:
  • Four spools of yarn: $11.88
  • Two bottles of Elmer's: $2.46
  • Two packs of balloons: $1.94
  • Two embroidery hoops: $5.88
  • Total cost for two nursery mobiles: $22.16